Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Revolutionary Post

I am doing something now, I have not done... ever... I'm blogging from my Macbook!

Usually, I blog from my Blackberry... thus the name for the blog.... and yes, we all know where I find the time to do it...

But today, I'm on my laptop, so I thought I'd drop a line!

Today, I want to talk about something different: pens.

Have you noticed we are living in the disappearance of the main choice of communication for the last trillion years, or something like that? Written thought is going the way of media. This was opened up to me recently in two ways.

First, in my last semester of school, my professor refused my first homework and told me to redo it because it was done in pen. She insisted it be typed. It was an investments course, and most of the homework was math. I've never done math in Word! But, surprise! I was the only one who didn't! Of course, I had to succumb...

Second, did you know that virtually nobody writes in cursive script anymore? I think I'm the last one! For the record, I never have, nor never will write in print, block letters or semi-cursive (common among women - my wife does it). In my training a couple of weeks ago at work, I was to be the scribe on the white board for some ideas we were all throwing out. After a few lines, the instructor commented: "Nice penmanship. I've been doing this for 9 years, you're the first to do it in cursive..." Really?!

So, here's my proposition. Sometime this week, just for the heck of it... get a nice sheet of paper (whatever moves you), sit down and write that email you were going to send. Put it in an envelope and mail it. Use cursive, print, block, semi-cursive or even hieroglyphics.

And just since I never seem to check my comments as much as I should (thanks to all who read and comment, I do see them eventually!), feel free to send me handwritten letters in lieu of comments! (316 Norwood Ave, Rochester, NY 14606) I'd be happy to respond in like manner!

Enjoy my vacation week!


  1. As a quick follow-up, here's a great article that I completely agree with the author on... Blue Ink all the way!


    Am I thinking too far into this whole thing...?

  2. Posting your address on the Internet may be another reason why you'll never be President. :-)

    (Don't worry, you're always President in my eyes. At church.)

  3. Brian: President of the throne!!!

  4. I'm disappointed that this post is not written by hand and in a cursive font!

  5. i would write you a letter, but i can't find a pen!
